Solar PV & Battery Storage

& how long will it take for me to get a return on my initial investment? A Comprehensive Analysis by MP Electrical, Your Local Electrician in Rotherham.

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, solar panels and battery storage have emerged as popular choices for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy bills. At MP Electrical, your trusted local electrician in Rotherham, we have witnessed the growing interest in renewable energy solutions. In this blog, we will explore how much you can potentially save by installing solar panels and battery storage in different types and sizes of homes across the UK.

Understanding Solar Panels & Battery Storage☀️

Before diving into the potential savings, it's essential to understand the technology behind solar panels and battery storage. Solar panels harness the sun's energy to generate electricity, which can power your home's appliances and lighting. Any excess electricity not used during the day can be stored in battery systems for later use, ensuring you have a consistent energy supply even when the sun is not shining.

Savings for Different Types of Homes🏡

Small Apartments and Terraced Houses:

  • Average panel installation: 4-8 panels (1-2kW system)
  • Estimated savings per year: £150-£300
  • These smaller properties can still benefit from solar panels, mainly for reducing daytime energy consumption. Though the savings might be relatively modest, it's a great step towards sustainability.

Semi-Detached and Bungalows:

  • Average panel installation: 8-12 panels (2-3kW system)
  • Estimated savings per year: £300-£450
  • With slightly larger installations, these homes can save more on electricity bills, especially if most energy consumption occurs during the day.

Detached Houses:

  • Average panel installation: 12-16 panels (3-4kW system)
  • Estimated savings per year: £450-£600
  • Detached homes have more roof space, allowing for bigger solar installations. As a result, they can save significantly on energy costs.

Savings for Different System Sizes​💷

Small Solar PV System (2-3kW):

  • Estimated savings per year: £300-£500
  • Smaller systems are suitable for single occupants or small families with lower energy consumption. While the savings are considerable, they may not cover the entire electricity bill.

Medium Solar PV System (3-4kW):

  • Estimated savings per year: £500-£700
  • This system size is ideal for average-sized households, covering a substantial portion of their electricity needs.

Large Solar PV System (4kW+):

  • Estimated savings per year: £700-£1,000+
  • Larger systems cater to more extensive energy consumption, making them suitable for larger families or households with higher energy demands.

Additional Benefits✅

Apart from direct savings on electricity bills, homeowners can benefit from the following incentives:

  • Feed-in Tariff (FiT): Earn money by selling surplus energy back to the grid.
  • Smart Export Guarantee (SEG): Receive payments for excess energy exported to the grid.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Contribute to a cleaner environment and sustainable future.

Solar panels and battery storage offer significant savings for homeowners across the UK while reducing their environmental impact. The amount saved varies depending on the type and size of the property. At MP Electrical, we believe that investing in renewable energy is a step towards a greener future and financial independence. Take the leap towards sustainable living with solar panels and battery storage, and let MP Electrical be your trusted partner on this journey! Contact us today to explore the best solar solutions tailored to your home's specific needs.

Calculating the exact return on investment (ROI) for solar panels and battery storage can be complex and depend on various factors such as the initial cost, energy consumption, local electricity rates, and available incentives. However, we can provide a general estimate of the payback period based on average savings and installation costs.

How long will it take me to get a return on my initial investment?🤔

Determine the Total Installation Cost:

  • The cost of solar panels and battery storage installation can vary depending on the system size, brand, and any additional equipment needed. On average, a solar panel installation can cost between £4,000 to £6,000 per kW, while battery storage may cost between £1,000 to £2,000 per kWh of storage capacity.

Estimate Annual Savings:

  • Using the estimated savings provided in the previous section, let's assume an average savings range of £500 to £700 per year for a medium-sized system (3-4kW) with battery storage.

Calculate Payback Period🔍

Payback Period (in years) = Total Installation Cost / Annual Savings

Example Calculation:

Let's consider a medium-sized solar panel system (4kW) with battery storage and assume an average total installation cost of £15,000 (including both solar panels and battery storage). Using the estimated annual savings of £500 to £700, we can calculate the payback period:

  • Payback Period (in years) = £15,000 / £500 = 30 years
  • Payback Period (in years) = £15,000 / £700 = 21.43 years

Based on this example, the payback period for the initial investment would be approximately between 21.43 to 30 years.

Additional Considerations💭

Energy Price Inflation:

  • Keep in mind that energy prices tend to increase over time due to inflation and other factors. As energy prices rise, the savings from solar panels will also increase, potentially shortening the payback period.

Government Incentives:

  • Government incentives, such as Feed-in Tariffs or Smart Export Guarantees, can impact the payback period positively by providing additional income from selling surplus energy to the grid.

System Lifespan:

Solar panels generally have a lifespan of 25-30 years, and batteries may last around 10-15 years. Consider the warranty and lifespan of the components when estimating the overall ROI.

While the initial investment for solar panels and battery storage can be significant, the long-term savings and potential return on investment make it a worthwhile consideration. Additionally, the environmental benefits and potential for increasing property value are other important factors to consider. Before making a decision, we recommend consulting with a reputable solar installation provider to receive personalized quotes and a more accurate estimate of your payback period based on your specific circumstances.

We hope you found our blog on How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels and Battery Storage & how long will it take for me to get a return on my initial investment for homeowners and businesses helpful and informative. Your safety is our top priority, and we are always here to assist you with any further inquiries or concerns you may have. If you require any more assistance or have additional questions on the subject, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us directly at 07817171954 or send us a message on any of our social media channels. Alternatively, you can contact us here.

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

Mathew - MP Electrical, Rotherham