Do I need an EICR? A checklist by MP Electrical Rotherham

Are you unsure if you need an EICR at your Rotherham home?

Routine electrical checks are crucial to ensure the safety and functionality of your Rotherham home's electrical system. An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) helps identify potential hazards, prevent electrical failures, and maintain compliance with safety standards. 

At MP Electrical in Rotherham we carry out many EICRs and are often asked by our customers how to tell if they need an EICR. To help make it clearer why and when you need an EICR, here are 20 tell-tale signs that you may need an EICR:

Signs you Need an EICR

  1. Frequent Tripped Breakers: If your circuit breakers trip frequently, it could indicate an overload or a fault in the electrical system.
  2. Flickering Lights: Inconsistent lighting could be a sign of loose wiring or other electrical issues.
  3. Warm Switches or Outlets: Excess heat around switches or outlets suggests a potential problem with wiring or connections.
  4. Burning Smell: The smell of burning or overheating near electrical outlets is a serious concern that requires immediate attention.
  5. Buzzing Sounds: Unusual buzzing or humming noises coming from outlets or switches may indicate faulty wiring.
  6. Scorch Marks: Scorch marks on outlets, switches, or appliances suggest overheating and should be investigated promptly.
  7. Outdated Wiring: If your Rotherham home has old or outdated wiring, it may not meet current safety standards.
  8. Non-functioning Outlets or Switches: Any outlet or switch that doesn't work may indicate a wiring issue.
  9. Sparks: Visible sparks when plugging in or unplugging appliances are a clear sign of an electrical problem.
  10. Exposed Wiring: Wires that are exposed, frayed, or damaged pose a significant safety risk.
  11. Tripping RCD: A Residual Current Device (RCD) that frequently trips suggests an imbalance in the electrical system.
  12. Appliances Overheating: Appliances becoming excessively hot during normal use may indicate electrical issues.
  13. Water Damage: Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Any signs of water damage near electrical components should be addressed immediately.
  14. Aluminium Wiring: Homes with aluminium wiring may require additional attention as aluminium poses unique electrical challenges.
  15. Missing Cover Plates: Exposed wiring due to missing cover plates increases the risk of accidents.
  16. Rodent Infestation: Rodents chewing on electrical wires can create dangerous situations.
  17. DIY Wiring: Poorly executed DIY electrical work is a common cause of issues. Professional assessment is necessary.
  18. Age of the Property: Older properties may have outdated wiring that needs inspection and possible replacement.
  19. Previous Electrical Incidents: If your Rotherham home has experienced electrical incidents or fires in the past, a thorough check is essential.
  20. Safety Concerns: If you have any safety concerns or uncertainties about your electrical system, an EICR can provide peace of mind.

EICR Electrician in Rotherham

Regular EICRs are essential for maintaining a safe and reliable electrical system in your Rotherham home. If you notice any of these signs, it's crucial to seek professional assistance promptly.

If you need an EICR in Rotherham contact us here at MP Electrical, your local reliable electrician.